- Energy LiSTingBGIN
loop to compute energies of all structures in a file. ELST
cannot be used with the MC conformational searching commands (MCMM
).By default, very close non-bonded atomic pairs will be separated before the energy calculation is done. To override this, specify
flag 33.
List the total molecular mechanics energy to the log file only.
List the total molecular mechanics energy to the log file and the minimal Energy Summary to the file filename
List the total molecular mechanics energy to the log file and the complete Energy Listing with all internal coordinate components to the file filename
List Double and Single Precision molecular mechanics energy to log file only. Used primarily for testing or for short summary of total stretch, bend...etc. energies.
Acts like option 0, except, in addition, numerical and analytical surface areas for all atoms are listed to the .mmo
file. Surface energies are also given, and are computed using the method specified in arg3.
Prints the double precision energy components to the .log file. In the past, this has been possible only in combination with single-precision energies (arg1=2).
as well as the log file.
kJ/mol (default)
Use numerical evaluations of atomic surface areas and analytical approximation for Born radii (default).
Use fast analytical approximations of surface areas and Born radii.
Use numerical evaluations of both surface areas and Born radii.
(Default.) Program uses internal criteria to decide whether to update the interaction array.
Update the full interaction list.
Update nonbondeds only.
- Derivative LiSTing
Numerical and analytical first derivatives (default).
Numerical and analytical second derivatives.
Numerical and analytical first and second derivatives.
Analytical (only) first derivatives.5
Analytical (only) first and second derivatives.0
Start at atom 1 and give derivatives for entire system.
Start at atom arg2 and give derivatives for rest of system.
Start at atom 1 and give derivatives for atoms through -arg2.
All (default)
Torsion (proper and improper)
Solvation 1
Solvation 2
Solvation 3
Charge-multipole electrostatics
Wilson-angle out-of-plane terms
- Atom SetsELST
procedure(with any ELST
arg1 value other than 4) the energy components are printed separately for the interactions within each set, as well as between pairs of sets. Although the sets must be mutually exclusive, they need not, collectively, include all the atoms in the molecule. If debug flag 1 is turned on, the set membership will be listed to the log file at the time of the ELST
commands may be issued before a READ
, and are in force for all subsequent structures read until or unless cleared or altered. Thus, such commands may be issued before BGIN
loop, and will be in force for all structures read within the loop.
. Set 0 stands for "no set;" placing an atom in "Set 0" is the equivalent of removing it from whatever set it had been in. Recall that the sets are non-overlapping: an atom is a member of only the last set into which it is placed.
Add the listed atoms to the set
Synonym for 0.
Delete the listed atoms from the set given, if they are in the set. Attempts made to delete atoms from set 0 are ignored.
Add the range of atoms between arg1 and arg2 (inclusive) to the set; arg3 and arg4 are ignored.
Delete each atom in the given range from the set, provided it is in the set.
Add the molecules containing the atoms given by args1 through 4 to the given set.
Delete the molecule molecule containing the atoms in args1 through 4 from from the set, if they were in it.
- Turn off Atom Set iNTeractionsASET
command. Separate control is available over force-field interactions and constraint interactions imposed using the FXDI
and FXTA
commands may be issued before a READ
, and are in force for all subsequent structures read until or unless cleared or altered. Thus, such commands may be issued before a BGIN
loop, and will be in force for all structures read within the loop.
The first set number.
The actions encoded in arg3 and arg4 will be applied to all pairs of sets.
The second set number.
The actions encoded in arg3 and arg4 will be applied pairwise to all set combinations including the set encoded in arg1, which must be positive.
Turn off force-field interactions between sets.
Leave force-field interactions on.
Turn off constraint interactions between sets.
Leave constraint interactions on.
1 2 0 0
: turns off all interactions between sets 1 and 2.
1 2 0 1
: turns off force-field interactions but retains constraint interactions between sets 1 and 2.
2 -1 0 0
: turns off all interactions between set 2 and other sets.
-1 0 1 1
: turns on all interactions between all sets (i.e., restores initial state of the program)
- Van Der Waals Bends.Coulombic components are removed from these interactions, unless
58 is specified.
may be used along with the MCMM
and MOLS
commands to perform a configurational search of the coordination sphere. TORS
and, if applicable, RCA4
commands can be added to explore theinternal conformational space of the ligands at the same time.
All bends with arg1 as the central atom with be replaced with vdW interactions.
Arg3 must also be greater than 0. In this situation, the arg2-arg1-arg3 bond will be replaced by a vdW interaction.
Arg3 must also be less than 0. In this situation, if arg1 already has some bends on the VDWB
list, the ABS(arg2)-arg1-ABS(arg3) bend is removed. If no such list exists for arg1, one is created, and all bends centered on arg1 are placed on it except ABS(arg2)-arg1-ABS(arg3).
command. If ro and are not specified, atom-type-dependent van-der-Waals parameters from the force-field will be used. To achieve a nearly pure repulsive potential, use, for example, ro = 9.0 and = 1.0-6. This is nearly identical to the repulsive part of a MacroModel C1-C1 nonbonded interaction using the AMBER force field. Our own experience, however, indicates that default parameters (arg5 = arg6 = 0) give good results.
Used after the MINI
- MINImize the energy of a structure. READ
command and if used within a BGIN
loop, will minimize the energy of all structures in the input file. If MULT
is used then structures will be checked for duplication (see COMP
) and any duplicates found will be eliminated from the output file. Stereochemistry is generally maintained during minimizations but strained systems can allow inversion of chirality esp. if starting geometries are high in energy. If all the structures in the file are the same except for conformational differences, then CHIG
commands can be used to save the stereochemistry (i.e. to reject any structure with a chiral center different from that found in the first structure in the input file).EXNB
command to increase the nonbonded cutoff distances for electrostatics and van der Waals. Alternatively, update more frequently using arg7. arg1 Minimization mode
Allow uphill motion, using method |arg1|; but implemented only for arg1=4 using no line search (arg2= 0). This facilitates saddle-point searches.SDLP
Steepest Descent with or without linesearching (SD). Not generally useful except for highly strained structures. Should be used with linesearching (arg2 =1).
PR Conjugate Gradient (PRCG) - Best general method. E.Polak and G. Ribiere, Revue Francaise Inf. Rech.Oper., 16-R1, 35 (1969).
OS Variable Metric (OSVM). One of the best variable metric methods. 4
Full Matrix NR (FMNR) - Best method for fully converging molecules.9
Truncated Newton (TNCG) - Superb method for flexible structures. 10
Limited Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno(LBFGS) - LBFGS can be specified by MINI
arg1=10. Experiments so far have not shown superiority of this method above all others; however, we expect to improve the implementation as time goes on, as we feel this method has great potential.
Default linesearching
For SD or FMNR or LBFGS, turns on line searching. Although LBFGS can be used with line search, it is not recommended in the current implementation.
command but it is not desired to actually perform a minimization. When a minimization is run from MacroModel, arg3 is set to 500 by default. For PRCG and OSVM minimization methods, some small multiple of 3N steps often suffices, where N is the number of atoms in the system being simulated.
) Arg5 behaves somewhat differently if FMNR is specified without line-searching (arg1=4, arg2=0). Then, by default (arg5=0.0), the algorithm takes its full step-size, which is the estimated distance to the minimum determined by a harmonic fit to the potential-energy surface. This corresponds to the ordinary meaning of arg5 for other methods. This distance will be too great (for example, it may overshoot the minimum) unless one is already close to a minimum. If a non-zero value is placed into arg5 when this minimization method is specified, the arg5 value will be used as the maximum distance in Angstroms that any atom can move in a single step. If the normal
algorithm calls for a larger step, then all coordinate motions will be scaled back by the ratio of the arg5 value to the maximum atomic displacement called for by the normal algorithm. Experimentation is usually called for to determine a good non-default value for arg5, but if the gradient at the start of FMNR
has already been reduced to less than about 10 kJ/mol.Å, a value in the range 0.1 to 1 Å is a good starting point. Provided the gradient is already reasonably low (for example, by virtue of an earlier conjugate-gradient minimization with "loose" convergence), this option permits convergence to a saddle point, since FMNR
actually tends toward singularities of any sort, not just minima.
(Default.) No intermediate reporting, unless DEBG
1 has been specified.
n>0 If n is an integer, report the energy, RMS gradient, and the RMS atomic movement every n steps. If n is not an integer, then the maximum atomic movement and the maximum absolute gradient component are reported, in addition to the reporting of energy, RMS gradient, and the RMS atomic movement. Overrides reporting interval set by DEBG
- Minimization CONVergence criterionCONV
command is used.
Iterate until max number of iterations has been achieved.
Energy convergence..
Derivative convergence (default if no CONV
record appears).
Movement convergence.
- Define a SUBStructure for subsequent minimization.FXAT
commands which restrain the position of atoms at the periphery of the substructure. The substructure and associated FXAT
commands are commonly produced using the substructure editor of MacroModel. There are two principle reasons one might wish to do this.
commands but no SUBS
and FXAT
commands appear, then atoms specified in neither command are completely ignored in the simulation.
commands appear together, any interaction except a stretch consisting only of FXAT atoms will be eliminated, provided the following conditions hold: 1. the FXAT atoms in question are not specified by any SUBS command; 2. the flat-bottom half-width is zero for all the FXAT atoms concerned; 3. DEBG
flag 17 is not specified. The elimination of these interactions saves time, since FXAT atoms will not move much; however, stretches are always included, since, without them, the "fixed" atoms tend to adopt unrealistic relative positions even for rather high tethering potentials.
command appears in the .com
file with a zero-valued first argument, then BatchMin will look for a file having the name filename
, in which it will expect to find SUBS
and FXAT
commands. This file can be produced either manually or using the MacroModel graphical substructure editor. Additional SUBS
commands with atom numbers can be used to direct additional atoms to be added to the set in the .sbc
file. A typical use of both SUBS
formats simultaneously might be simulating the binding of a large molecule to a list of small molecules. The .sbc
file might define the substructure and fixed atoms for the large molecules. The first SUBS
command in the .com
file would have a zero-valued first argument and would set up the substructure for the large molecule. Subsequent SUBS
commands would then be used to fully include the small molecule(s) in the simulation. The input data file for one job in this series would contain the large molecule first, ensuring that its numbering scheme, like that in the .sbc
file, would remain constant over the series of runs.If a negative number is given for arg1-4, then the entire molecule containing that atom number will be defined as a part of the substructure.
commands with non-zero first arguments must come after READ
commands. SUBS
commands with zero first args must come before READ
, because the .sbc
file is read during structure file reads.
obtain information from .sbc
file; arg2-4 are ignored.
atom number
atom number
- Minimization TeST
can only be used after a MINI
command, and MTST
cannot be used during a MULT
run.The command can be used only on fully minimized structures having MAXFVE or fewer atoms (see Program Capacity in Chapter 2).
No listing.
Listing to .mmo
- visualize VIBRational modesThis command is allowed only if a
has been performed, unless DEBG 211
has been set.
1 (default).
For n>0, use this value instead of default.
5 (default).
For n>0, use this value instead of default.
10 (default).
For N>0, use this value instead of default.
1.0 (default).
For x>0, use this value instead of default.
- RRHO normal mode analysisRRHO
stands for rigid-rotor, harmonic oscillator. Computation of translational, rotational and vibrational enthalpy, heat capacity, entropy, partition function, etc. Note that the vibrational calculation ignores vibrational frequencies below arg7 (2.0 default) cm-1. For a true minimum energy structure, there should be 6 such ignored frequencies in the range of -1.0 to 1.0 cm-1 corresponding to free translation and rotation. Any frequency substantially more negative indicates a maximum of some sort (e.g. a saddle point). We advise listing the vibrational frequencies (MTST
command) to be sure that arg7 is appropriately set if there are more than 6 skipped frequencies or if there are any large negative (imaginary) frequencies.
can only be used after a MINI
command. RRHO
cannot be used with the MULT
option or during a Monte Carlo conformational search.The command can be used only on fully minimized structures having MAXFVE or fewer atoms if vibration is being considered. For a discussion of MAXFVE, see Program Capacity in Chapter 2.
Summary of S, Cv and G to log file (default)
Detailed listing of thermodynamic parameters to .mmo
file and summary of S, Cv and G to log file.
Translation, rotation and vibration (default)
Rotation and vibration only
Translation and rotation only
Translation and vibration only
Translation only
Rotation only
Vibration only
- Saddle point searchLMCS
conformational search procedure. The basic idea of mode-following is to move uphill on the potential energy surface along a ravine starting at a minimum, toward a saddle point. The mathematical definition of a ravine is the so-called minimum energy path along which one degree of freedom is maximized while all the remaining degrees of freedom are minimized. The algorithmic implementation of mode-following is based on a coordinate transformation applied to the FMNR (MINI
command, arg1=4) algorithmIt can be shown that in a local coordinate system defined by the eigenvectors of the current Hessian during FMNR optimization, FMNR maximizes the energy along the eigenvectors with negative eigenvalues and minimizes the energy along the eigenvectors with positive eigenvalues. Mode-following is initiated by a short move along a selected low mode of the Hessian of a minimum-energy conformation. At the new point (slightly higher than the minimum energy point) the Hessian is re-evaluated and its eigenvectors are calculated. The eigenvector which is most similar to the starting low-mode eigenvector, i.e., which has the largest overlap with it, is selected as the degree of freedom to be maximized.
Maximization is accomplished by taking a short FMNR step in the local coordinate system defined by the eigenvectors of the new Hessian, but following the selected eigenvector in the reverse (uphill) direction. This procedure is continued, iteratively, always following the ravine eigenvector uphill while following the remaining eigenvaluesin their normal directions, until convergence to a saddle point is achieved.
can be instructed to follow multiple modes, and each mode is followed in both directions. DEBG
94 saves all the intermediate structures in the .out
file and colors each mode-following sequence differently for better visualization.This command is allowed only if a MINI has been performed, unless DEBG 211 has been set.
Default: 1 (i.e., the eigenvector of lowest frequency)
Start with the n-th eigenvector.
Default: 1 (i.e., only follow a single mode)
Follow n modes.
Default: 100 kJ/mol.
Maximum energy increase [kJ/mol] above the starting energy minimum allowed during saddle point search. The search is aborted if this limit is exceeded.
Default: 0.1 Å
Maximum allowed motion in Å.
- Carry out a dihedral "drive"BGIN
loop the DRIV
command will "drive" the specified dihedral angle. The DRIV
command should be followed by a MINI
(not an ELST
) to evaluate the energy. The driving process involves rotating the specified angle to the current value and then setting a torsional constraint with a large force constant (1000 kJ/mol) for that angle. Then an energy minimization is carried out and in the next pass through the BGIN
loop the angle will be incremented by the value of arg7 and the process repeated. When all the final angle (arg6) is reached or surpassed then a "grid" of energy values is written to a .grd file. This can be displayed as a contour map in MacroModel; its format is described in Appendix 6. Usually two DRIV
commands will be included in command file to calculate data for a Ramachandran type plot.
file and they must also define an angle which is rotatable, i.e., not one in which the four atoms lie in a ring.
file as BatchMin will first rotate the angle to the required value.
command (i.e. two DRIV
commands in a file), N2 energy minimizations will be done.
- FiX ATomThis command is generally used with the
command to fix or freeze the positions of certain atoms at the periphery of the substructure being minimized. See the description of the SUBS
command for a description.When doing substructure (
) calculations with FXAT
restraints having no free flatbottom region (arg4 = 0), interactions wholly involving the fixed atoms, other than stretches, are eliminated from the interaction array unless debug switch 17 is set. This is primarily to improve the speed of the computation; when the force constant is large, as it is by default, the FXAT
constraints, together with the stretch interactions, maintain reasonable local geometries. However, when using low force constants to "gently" constrain atomic positions, local geometries will become unreasonable unless debug switch 17 is set. Also, unless mutual interactions between
atoms are active, solvation energies for systems involving FXAT
have no absolute meaning, although comparisons between conformers are still meaningful.When using
commands in molecular dynamics (e.g. doing substructure molecular dynamics), it is appropriate to use substantially reduced force constants (arg5, e.g. 50-100) so that realistic flexibility and rapid thermal equilibration is possible.If two
commands specify the same atom, the second replaces the first.A
command must come after READ
Clear or modify fixed and/or frozen atom constraints, depending on the values of the other arguments. A typical use for this facility is in homology modeling, when one might want to perform a minimization with frozen or "tight" fixed contraints, then repetitively diminish the constraints and reminimize. When arg1 is 0, the other args are interpreted as follows.
Specify fixed or frozen status for the atom specified; this may override a previous specification for the same atom.
multiplier in the force-field file in use. Internally, the program uses kJ/mol as its energy unit, so that, after multiplication by the multiplier, FXAT
force constants will have these units. Since all force-field files we supply specify a FIX
multiplier of 4.184, the units given in the .com
file correspond to kcal/mol.
500.0 (default).
Use this value instead of default.
"Freeze" this atom - make it completely unmovable. All interactions (including streeches) composed of such atoms will be removed, unless DEBG 17
is specified. Movable atoms will still feel the effect of such atoms.
- FiX DIstanceNote - With hydrogens bound to carbon in force fields MM2 and MM3, the restraint is applied between the van der Waals positions of the hydrogen (e.g. with a (C)H in MM2, the hydrogen is treated as if it were at a position shifted 8.5% of the C-H bond length toward the C).
If two
commands specify the same atoms, the second replaces the first.
Clear all existing FXDI
The corresponding nonbonded interaction is eliminated from the interaction array. Used to allow fixed distances for atoms which are close in space.
- FiX Bond AnglesIf two
commands specify the same bond angle, the second replaces the first.
Clear all existing FXBA
Use initial value.
- FiX Torsion Angles If two
commands specify the same torsion angle, the second replaces the first, unless arg8 is non-zero.
Clear all existing FXTA
The initial value will be used .
A standard 1-fold cosine well will be used.
Allows specification of several allowed ranges for the same set of torsion angles, using a method described by Sefler, A. M., Lauri, G. and Bartlett, P. A., "A convenient Method for Determining Cyclic Peptide Conformation from 1D 1H-NMR Information", Int. J. Pept. Prot. Res. (in press). If arg8 is two, for example, ranges around two dihedral angles can be specified in order to enforce constraints obtained from analysis of NMR coupling constants by means of the Karplus equation. In this example, two FXTA
commands are expected for the same values of arg1-4. For each such FXTA
command, the user should specify a desired central position in arg6 and a flat-bottom half-widths in arg7. When the last specification is read for a given atom set (for example, when the second FXTA
interaction is read for an atom set with an arg8 value of two), BatchMin will reset the central angles and half-widths for the set to values that will achieve the user's original input specification.
14 makes all this visible to the user.
- FiX COnstraintsFXTA
torsional constraints with flat bottoms to hold the input structure in its starting conformation. This command must come after SUBS
commands. Not tested in substructures.
for all torsions
for all but double bonds
for all but bonds between sp2 atoms.